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Arthur Pendragon


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  • "I am Arthur Pendragon and I am proud to be your king."

    10 Surprises in the Camelot Premiere 2011

  • But ultimately, I think that if there were strong evidence suggesting that Arthur Pendragon really existed, then we'd probably say "He existed, but may have borne little or no resemblance to the stories later told about him."

    Mythicism: Microexistence vs. Macroexistence? James F. McGrath 2010

  • Toobworld Central has already decreed that 'Merlin' takes place in an alternate TV dimension, but there's nothing that says Arthur Pendragon of the main Toobworld didn't look like that as a young man.....


  • Remember though : Arthur Pendragon is a legend in our own time... and our own time is, after all, part of the Wheel.

    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time 5: The Fires of Heaven (1993) Adam Roberts 2010

  • Preston, esquire and Ted “Theodore” Logan knew: with a time machine, he could concievably go back to the moment after he left her and apologize with candy, flowers, and the head of Arthur Pendragon.

    Review: Dark Avengers #3 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News 2009

  • In a recent episode of 'Merlin', the character of Arthur Pendragon was accredited to two different actors in the end credits.

    END GAME Toby O'B 2009

  • This week a New Ager and self-titled Druid named King Arthur Pendragon called for the cessation of scientific studies on human remains excavated from Stonehenge and immediate reburial of the skeletons.

    Druids, New Agers and Archaeologists 2009

  • In a recent episode of 'Merlin', the character of Arthur Pendragon was accredited to two different actors in the end credits.

    Archive 2009-09-13 Toby O'B 2009

  • Nor should anyone think that this particular person (King Arthur Pendragon) speaks for all those who follow a Druidic path.

    Druids, New Agers and Archaeologists 2009

  • King Arthur Pendragon, whose real name is John Timothy Rothwell, wants to shut down this amazingly productive line of research.

    Druids, New Agers and Archaeologists 2009


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